What's up 2022!

What's up 2022!

I know this article is supposed to be published on the first day of 2022 but one of my things now is that I don't want to be defined by a certain deadline. Yes, I do have timelines for myself but it is my timeline, set by me because I would know my energy and vibe, and not answer to anyone else.

Trust yourself and know yourself, and don't force yourself to do anything you don't feel like doing that day if you don't feel like it. If you do, most times it tends to show in your work quality and it would just looked half-baked.

ANYWAY, this year, I'm praying and hoping that it will be the year that Ktees.co takes off to a bigger and better year. I have new tees lined up till March so far (haha!) and I am truly excited to make it and to show you.

Today is also an exciting day as I have new designs to show you and also the website is going through a revamp. I might as well tell you now that next week, I will also be launching new designs at Sunny Side Up market. (See, told you new and exciting things coming up for Ktees). If you are free, do come and shop!


Hope to see you there!