Hello, is it me you're looking for?

Hello, is it me you're looking for?

I can't believe it is already June! How time flies.

Today, I am launching 7 new tees online after launching it offline at bazaars - what crazy tiring 3 weeks it has been. The one in the banner is my fave.. I think, for now LOL. It changes every few days. It is quite hard to pick a fave design.. I mean, I design or bought them so I must like it, right?

I am already thinking of new designs that I am planning to launch soon. As you may know, I am discontinuing a couple of tees since it is not selling that well. So, the process will be to remove the vinyl and re-use them to a new tee.

That is what happened with the Not Your Rival tee. I had another design and I chose the wrong font, hence the print kept melting so that's why I remove the print and created a new design.

We try not to waste here at Ktees.co.

On a totally different side note, I have lost one of my cats. Her name is Tammy and she was last spotted at the area near Sekolah Desa Pandan's school field. She's special because she is a 3-legged cat due to a recent amputation so that's why it is very, very important that I find her because she's still under medication. 

Tammy Lost Cat Poster.png

So, if you are ever in Desa Pandan or have friends or family living there or always lepak there, do keep a lookout for this cat. Please and thank you!